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Skip Lipman
Feb 18, 2020
In Roleplaying
To the realm at large and the adventurers headed for The Blasted Lands on the quest of The Sword of Sylvia, The scouting party has successfully reached the blasted lands and we are about to set off into the fetid wood where we will search for the ruins of the temple of The Sisters of Sylvia, there within we hope to find a map of the Catacombs of Karak, where legend says the Sword of Sylvia is to be found. You may have seen strange lights in the sky as we passed over the main group of adventurers traveling southeast towards the Blasted Lands over a week ago. We made a stop in Fletchings where we encountered a strange entity, that can only be described as a Shadow. Zio was able to dispatch it with a powerful light spell, but we were left unsettled to say the least. Apparently, these creatures can drain you of your life force in what sounds like a horrible fate. Be on the lookout for them. It seems that traveling with the lich has some unforeseen problems. His presence alone seems to draw undead to our position. We found this out when we landed on a rocky outcropping near the borders of the Blasted Lands. It seems to escalate the more we stay in one place, so we’ve had to keep on the move. We’ve picked up some of the bones, they seem to be marked with runes. Malakor has proven to be a storehouse of knowledge and so far has seemed to be holding up his part of the bargain. Tonight he told us more of Sylvia’s story and gave us a rousing performance of a poem that he must have read in one of his dusty tomes in that forbidden library in the temple he shares now with Geth. The tale of Sylvia as told by Malakor Lich She was born in the times just before the Cataclysm. Sylvia began her life in a monastery of an ancient and long forgotten Goddess, where she trained under her mother and the other priestesses to become a holy warrior. She had foreseen the fires that would soon split the world in her dreams and vowed to devote herself to fight evil and trained to become the strongest warrior of the realm. As horrid creatures and beasts rose from the depths of Osterra, Sylvia would seek them out and destroy them to free the world of their blight. However the years took their toll, the forces of evil were too great for even the greatest magi, warriors, and clerics of the time. While others ran, transferring to other planes when they saw that the evil would inevitably win, Sylvia made the ultimate sacrifice and performed a ritual in accordance with her goddess to make her sword and her soul one, creating a divine, holy weapon that she buried so it may be used if any goodly creatures survived in this realm. The ritual made the blade only able to be wielded by women, as Sylvia’s sect was comprised only of women. The blade has rested for eons, Sylvia’s soul still waiting to unleash its unbridled power onto evil forces that plague what is her realm. After this dissertation, we asked the lich where the sword could be found, and he replied with this verse. A temple in a Sunset Land I saw, rent with an evil wrath, earthquakes and storms of fire. The last of her order covered it with spells of awe, still the doom that fell upon the Sisters of Sylvia was dire. For they were protecting many an arch and ruinous portal there The place lies stored with the lore of a perished time; And unless the star stones yield the echoes of prayer; Then the crumbled towers shall avenge the Risa Fey’s crime. Within the shattered temple a map shall lie To find it you’ll need the shard of mystery that the pillars hide Magic strains of illumination make the shadows fly; Beams of light to cleanse the place of those that died Karak the faithful servant did see What the meandering river of time forbade On the trail of runes the bones are key. For they reveal where her sword is laid. When the moon smites us with her wands of white, the solemn may enter the Catacombs Karak hath made. Four times chime the Shard of Light, to see the gleam of Death’s annulling blade. We wanted to get word back to you before we entered the fetid forrest. You will know you are on the path after you cross the wasteland and find the great obelisk that marks this strange place. We will hold the other raven and send it if we are in trouble or when we find the ruins of the temple of The Sisters of Sylvia. K P.s. I almost forgot, our passage to The Blasted Lands did not go unnoticed, during part of our flight we were tracked by Azreonious, we seemed to have lost her, but she is probably also hot on our trail. ...or preparing an ambush for you. Oh yea, those undead we encountered caused strange wounds, even when healed they wept a horrible acidic puss, those wounded continue to be in my scrutiny...
Skip Lipman
Aug 21, 2019
In Roleplaying
The Crown would like to recognize Lady Althea, and celebrate her conspicuous bravery in the face of demonic incursion.
She is distinguished for rising to the occasion in the investigation of what we know now as The Plagues of Festar. After receiving the letter from beyond The Ebon Gate several teams were dispatched from the capital, she accompanied a joint force sent to follow up on reports demonic sightings in the south. It was on the outskirts of the woodlands north of the southern river that the party encountered Dimitri Navarro, the last survivor of the ill fated demon hunters sent from beyond the portal, referenced in the aforementioned letter. He was near delirious with fever and it was only through Lady Althea's vast knowledge of languages and dialects that Dimitri could be understood. At great personal risk of infection to herself, she unravelled his tale. Through her translations she was able to direct the party to the ruins of the ancient temple of Kara'thul, where the demon hunters had been headed, to recover an ancient relic that would allow them to oppose the demon, Festar, and his plagues.
Furthermore, it was directly through her considerable diplomatic skill that the three pieces of The Assanitatem Ligaturam Cucurreris were brought together and assembled. The use of this healing amulet by Brennen Farno, then stemmed the tide of plague in the group, and saved the party.
The Crown further empowers Lady Althea as lead Occult Investigator, to continue her questioning of Dimitri Navarro, and then share his knowledge of how to combat these particular demons. Witnessed to and in the hand of K, servant of the Crown, Provisionary Vizier to King Foster HRHKoNR K (ceremonies to be held at the King's Autumn Feast)
Skip Lipman
Aug 08, 2019
In Roleplaying
"K" thinks to himself as he absent-mindedly fumbles down a ladder in the library that he has been organizing in an old building. Wondering how there can be so much dust as unrolls another foreboding scroll. It’s been a month and I still can not shake the nightmares. I mean come on, sure I pushed to assemble the pieces of the portal, who knew it would be a gateway to the Negative Energy plane? The Ebon Gate Doorway to the blackest night. Portal to the heart of darkness. I’ve opened the great dark maw. It is the hunger that devours souls. Wish I had read that before assembling the bloody thing, but it was like a madness, I was a driven man… restlessly working (usually I like to rest more than work) until we had all of the pieces accounted for, 11 in all. I mean, no one even questioned Geth. Yes, they stabbed him ruthlessly, but did they blame him? Wasn’t it his staff that disrupted the speak with dead spell that they tried to pull with Shagarash? Or did I just make that up? Well that’s what I heard, of course I was far away from there, no sense just putting yourself in harms way. ...and that Drow, Breaden, sneaking about. You know he’s up to something, or at the very least... involved. Wonder if those pages match up to the ones torn from The Grimoire? I know it’s around here somewhere… Four, four entities entered the realm. Three of which are thoroughly unknown, and of Orzalon...little is known. If you ask me, that's the way I’d like to keep them. Far off and little known. … but it is troublesome, except for just after the portal opened and the initial slaughter it’s been quiet...too quiet. I can't believe we have a gathering in 3 days time, I wish King Foster would find someone else to follow up on these reports… what with Lady Meryn off doing research… and what’s with the Lady schtick, anyone with any sense can tell she’s Lóngrén. Eh, and with rumors of sickness and plague in the south I’d much rather have accompanied them, although they’re bound to run right into the demons. Uhg, why can’t I just stay here in the library… oh how I adore the peace of dusty shelves and quiet books. How have I gotten myself mixed up with this lot? ...and demons? ...again? Why are you looking at me like that, was I talking out loud?
Skip Lipman
Jun 30, 2019
In General Discussion
I got a question today from someone looking forward to coming to their first event. "I was wondering what I do for my first event. I know where to go, but how do I prepare for something like this?" Great question!
Preparing for Your First LARP
Going to your first LARP can be a little scary, but once you are there, it is nothing but fun. It is always good to come prepared for the LARP as others are also investing their time into it and it gives you something to do until the event.
Attending your first LARP, keep these things in mind:
First attempts are rarely perfect
Nobody is going to kick you out if you mess up a dialogue or do something illogical. Everyone you are LARPing with was once a beginner and they understand that people make mistakes. This applies to everything. You do not need to have a perfect costume, be the greatest warrior, or know how to recite a spell precisely on your first try.
All that counts is that you are putting in the effort, and if you find that you are enjoying it, there is plenty of time to learn everything before the next event takes place. Many people have developed their skills over years of play and practice. Often they will be excited to share what they know and are glad to show a new player the ropes, so introduce yourself and ask questions.
Educate yourself
LARPing is a lot of fun, it is even more fun if you go prepared. The least you can do is educate yourself with the lore, the settings, the story, and the rules. This will help you understand what is going on in the game, it can also help guide you in creating a character that will be perfect for the setting of the game and your personality.
Lore: Portals:
Map of the realm: The Forum: Creating your own character
Take a turn in the game as a NPC (Non Playing Character), you can get a feel of the setting and what's going on and get to LARP with some of the veteran players. This also helps with getting familiar with the rules of the game because they are always ready to help. Creating a character for yourself can be one of the most fun parts of LARPing. You can let your imagination run wild in the world as you get to know it and create a backstory, personality and objectives. Or let it all happen organically and see what interests you, that is another of the joys of LARP, is that you can try many different things.
Costuming, also known as garb and gear are an important part of LARPing. Since it is your first event, as mentioned earlier, you costume or gear does not need to be perfect. In fact, it doesn’t even need to be close to perfect.
For costume info:
LARPing gear is quite cool, and one of the primary reasons people get attracted to LARP is the garb, gear and the costumes. If you are looking for gear, you can learn about how to make it yourself, there are tons of resources online, research and ask others in the group, buy it online, at ren faires, thrift stores. You can learn the fine art of thrift store shopping. LARP Adventures is also a great source for gear at reasonable prices. What is the purpose of LARP? The main objective of LARPing is to have as much fun as you can, that is how you win at LARP, having fun, you might just make a few friends on the way. Don't let stressing over how your first LARP will go spoil the mood. Never let go of the intention of having fun, and trying to learn as much as you can. For like a list of what to bring check the forum: Thanks for your question, I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, let me know. If any one else would like to add to this first time player thread, please do! See you at the event!
Skip Lipman
May 06, 2019
In General Discussion
This is not meant as a fully comprehensive, or mandatory list, it's just recommendations, and reminders to try and think of things to bring that will keep you comfortable, and help with your enjoyment of the camping experience. Please chime in with ideas on LARP camping hacks and things that I may have left off the list that you have found invaluable at events. Tent (medieval style or modern, this is a bring your own tent event) make sure you have at least basic camping shelter, or a plan. Affordable hotels are only a few minutes down the road.
Sleeping bag, blankets, or bedroll
Cot, air mattress, or foam mat to sleep on
Pillow, or pillows
Sensible shoes shoes (bonus for waterproof) you'll need something comfortable after adventuring all day, but still camp safe.
Towel and washcloth Comfy clothes to sleep in
Undergarments (we recommend 2 sets/day)
Socks (at least 2 pair/day) Always bring more socks
Band Aids & antibacterial ointment (for boo boos and blisters)
Deodorant (please, for heavens sake wear and reapply frequently, everyone will thank you.)
Work/hiking/combat boots to wear in case of extended wet weather and/or blisters.
Personal hygiene items such as , wet wipes, dry shampoo, soap and toothbrush
Flashlight (make it period with an led in a lantern)
Bug spray
Any medicines that you might require
A tarp for floor of tent to protect from moisture, and an extra one for your gear if it doesn't fit in your tent.
Phone charger If you wear glasses, safety glasses/helmet for your protection, contacts with appropriate solution and cases.
Trash bags, make it cleaner then when you showed up, great for wet or dirty clothes
Again, Camping Wet wipes for rapid personal hygiene.
Other useful items: Mead horn or other period cup Feast wear, wooden plates, period style utensils all add to your immersion Period style musical instruments, drums, flutes, lutes, banjolins, harps (make sure they are camping safe)
Money to purchase stuff and alcohol
DIY is great, but garb, armor, and LARP weapons must be approved (to approve ahead of time, email with photographs)
“Period” camp items. Things such as coffee pots, period camp chairs, banners, etc... A camp chair can be easily made period friendly by draping a tapestry over them, accent with furs for a comfortable place to sit in camp.
Things to not bring on-site: Please avoid bright colors, modern patterns, and logos
Alcohol from sources other than Mountain Run Winery (required by law)
“Real” weapons, or fire arms Fireworks
Skip Lipman
May 04, 2019
In Gear & Garb
If you are joining us on an adventure for the first time costuming, what we call garb can seem a little overwhelming, but it is all part of the fun. First off, with your Adventurer - Full Package you will get a tabard for your garb, this is basically a large rectangle of cloth, sometimes fancy, that you pull over your head and belt at the waist, or tie with a sash. If you want to take it a little further there are so me easy things you can do to make your base garb really cool. For us the goal to strive for is HBO/Movie quality, that means we are primarily going for looks good vs actual period garb.
You can spend a fortune and lots of time collecting and making garb, but here are the basics, and it all DIYable. As far as Basic Garb requirements. . .
Tunic - A simple tunic made of natural fiber or looks like natural fiber, like cotton, linen or wool, for first timers a neutral colored or black t-shirt without logos or at least turned inside out. Go the extra mile and cut out the collar in a simple "key pattern" and remove the cuffs on long sleeved tees. Pants - Pants that are not denim or cargo pants will suffice. No bright colors, mostly earth tones and muted colors that would be possible with natural dies.
Footwear - For shoes, wear something black or brown if you cannot afford or do not have boots. Leggings or leg wraps are a good alternative or accessory to cover modern footwear.
Bring a belt - A ring belt is a great accessory and easy to make. Wide oversize leather belt or cloth sash is a good starter piece and super easy to find or make.
A cloak is also a great piece to have in your kit and as easy as two rectangles of cloth sewn together strategically with a tie string for the hoodie.
If anyone needs any help getting stuff together let me know.
Skip Lipman
May 01, 2019
In Roleplaying
Osterra is a new realm, built on an ancient world, with infinite possibilities. We are travelers here, through portals of the imagination, strangers in a strange land, drawn here by magical gateways that transport us from other worlds, from the mundane to the fantastic. These portals are opened by forces beyond our understanding. Osterra is a hub-world, a nexus of pathways from all over the multiverse. A battlefield where combatants come to fight the EverWar, the never-ending battle between good and evil, light and dark, law and chaos. It is a world rich in mystery, a land of lost histories. Its native inhabitants live in a dark age, with a forgotten past, amongst the shattered ruins of a long dead civilization. YEAR 1 We banded together in Year 1 and held the first WInter Council. There we set the foundations for a new kingdom, Nova Regnus and began exploring our new lands. Almost immediately we found threats to our security. Terrible and brutal were the orcish warriors, minions of Shagarash, The Vile, a necromancer of great power. Epic battles were fought and we were able to repel our foes, but they were not defeated. Adventurers were assembled and we tracked them to their lair. Held up in the foothills of the World’s Spine Mountains they defended their master, Shagarash with primal ferocity. Finally defeated, they scattered into the mountains and in the ruins of their stronghold The Orbs were found. It is believed that they are keys used to manipulate the portals created by the ancients. Among the revelations of this campaign we came to know the true plight of Osterra, as a hub-world the great powers involved in the eternal struggle of the EverWar seek to control it, and its myriad of portals to the multiverse. In the spring it was decided to call forth champions from across the realm to hold a tournament. Meanwhile, Shagarash and his orcs, though still in hiding continued to harass the kingdom, trying to regain control of The Orbs. At The Rites of Spring we came into contact with the Risa Fae. Drawn to our gathering by our magic users manipulating the ley lines of Osterra to try and draw power for their spells and rituals. The Risa Fey see magic users as parasitic because arcane magic works by draining energy from the ley lines here. The Risa Fae are born of that organic magic, the mystical force that surrounds us all, they are elemental beings that are connected to the land. They told us of an ancient War of Mages that raged across the land. The Risa Fae used the ley lines against them and mind blasted the magi. The mages all perished, their floating cities fell from the sky, and the Blasted Lands were left in the wake of destruction. The mind blasting “short circuited” the ley lines, causing magic in the realm to become limited, with the fall of the mages the portals closed and their civilization died. Now eons past, The Risa Fae are beginning to restore magical balance to the realm and the energy of the ley lines, but they are concerned that their efforts may bring about a new cycle of war to Osterra. We have little understanding of how magic works in this world. Much study is needed, but we believe that their restoration has led to the portals reopening and drawing us here for some great purpose. We know our enemies are working to gain control of the portals and magical energies here, so we must persist in our studies. Though the Risa Fae and all of the native inhabitants treat magic with fear and superstition. By summer other insidious forces were at work, the Illithids. Nothing could have prepared the adventurers to face strange occurrences like the illithid incursion. The Council came together once again to fight the mind flayers, who enslaved many of the realm with their psionic powers. They had taken up residence in the ancient ruins of a great temple. Drawing their power from The Great Brain, that they seemed to serve, and The Grimoire, an ancient book of arcane lore. After vanquishing the otherworldly threat the Tharrosians took control of the book and began deciphering the ancient text. The fall of Year 1 saw the realm split as tensions in The Council had grown and different camps began to form. The Black Sky Company formed amidst the chaos sown by demonic corruption, a malevolent plot set to destroy The Council from within. They found the sole cure for the corruption, and now seek out the corrupted and possessed to redeem them. The Portal Guards, led by the First Knight of the Realm, Ser Ceannric MacEoghn swore an oath to protect the portals at all costs. The Tharrosians, also known as the Cult of Tharros, are an arcane order, followers of the great black lion, Tharros. They have delved deeply into the lore of Osterra in hopes of unlocking the mysteries of its past. Loyal to King Foster and Nova Regnus, are the Wardens. They have traveled extensively through the realm to compile the map of Osterra. Sir Gareth and his wife Lady Lotharian were sent on a quest through a portal to seek forces of light and hope to defend Osterra and aid Nova Regnus. At odds with each other skirmishes between the different factions grew into open warfare. The Grimoire was stolen by traveling kenku, a race of birdlike folk known to steal whatever catches their eye. A hunt for them and the book of magic began. YEAR 2 The cold of winter brought us together again and Foster was declared King of Nova Regnus at the second Winter Council. The search for the kenku culminated with their capture after more than 5 months on the run. The Grimoire was recovered, and a Convocation of WIzards has been called for at the upcoming Rites of Spring. The Great Bank of Nova Regnus was established to aid in expanding trade in the realm. As the icy grip of winter began to thaw mighty armies clashed at the siege of Cailenstadt, fighting against the barbarian warlord Tamir, The Bold, and his bandits to keep the trade route open to Catalpa and the north. A treaty was forged between the Black Sky and the Wardens to restore the ruined fortress. Rumors of orcs seeking the ashes of Shagarash and an alliance of the barbarians and orcs have swept across the land as they continue to harass the trade routes throughout the wilds. Of late, a new and somewhat mysterious group has risen in the defense of innocents on the trade routes, The Order. Little is known of them or their young leader, except that they are great warriors. In Loyal service to his majesty, King Foster Chronos McKragg, 1st Ranger of Nova Regnus In his wisdom, King Foster has decreed that there shall be challenge this year at The Rites of Spring to train us to best use our varied skills and abilities as adventure parties, to learn to better work together throughout the realm against what’s to come. The Chronicles of Osterra continue to be written. . . will your name be counted amongst its heroes and villains? Be a part of the adventure! Make your way to The Rites of Spring Challenge!
Skip Lipman
Jun 22, 2018
In Roleplaying
The Chronicles of NovaRegnus, Book One, Chapter two By the hand of Commander Chronos McKragg, First Ranger Sir Gareyth vs Xoticus in the King's Champion Tourney Rites of Spring The Rites of Spring tournament was a momentous event, a spectacle of honor and glory that the bards will sing of for the ages. When the competitions were over and the champions of NovaRegnus had been granted the favors they had nobly won, a ritual was held in the ancient Druid’s Grove , where the ley lines converge, to try and gain further understanding into the nature of the orbs that were found during the Winter Council. The Ritual The Celestial Healer, Meryn, who has some considerable understanding of crystal magics, led the ritual. Joined by Rieka of the Fae, Arion the Bard and the Magi, Laya. They have come to be known as the Sentinels. To each of the Sentinels was sworn a Ward to protect them as they would be vulnerable during their commune with the orbs. Sir Ceannric MacEoghn, 1st Knight of The Realm was the Ward of Rieka, the Fae. Xoticus, The Kind warded Arion, the Bard. Kailos Strongshield was the protector of Laya the Magi and Sir Gareyth, Knight of The Light was Ward to Meryn, the Celestial Healer. Many were in attendance, for all those transported here through the portals wish to know the secrets of the orbs. A thaumaturgic barrier was created to protect the observers from any magics that might be unleashed during the ritual. Indeed strange powers were unleashed in the course of the ritual. Both Rieka and Laya were struck down by a supernatural force. Lady Lotharian and young Marina were led through the barrier by Sir Gareyth to help the fallen Sentinels. The Attack Then a band of Orcs was spotted emerging from the forest as if they had been called by the orb. Charging across the field, they were led by a mighty Orc Warlord, Grok, who called out battle challenges as they neared. Those in attendance put up a hasty defense against the onslaught of the brutal Orcs. The grove where the ritual was being held was attacked. A great battle ensued before the thaumaturgic barrier. Nearly overrun by the beasts, many warriors fell in defense of The Grove, at last the Orcs were driven back. They had not reached the fallen Sentinels. A scouting party was formed to track the Orcs. The trail was easy to read and led them to an Orc encampment. In the encampment was found, amongst the vile Orcs belongings, a large chest, a tattered standard and the skeletal remains that seemed to bear evidence of Necromancy, or some other Corrupt Arcanum. Inside the skeletal remains was found what appeared to be a well-preserved heart, much like the one recovered from the encounter during the Winter Council that had caused some great harm to Kailos Strongshield. Under the watchful eye of Sir Ceannric and the glowing magical light he provided his newly appointed Squire, the young Wolf set about inspecting the chest for traps and opening it. Inside, amongst the Orcs odious relics, was found a mysterious puzzle box. The adventurers made their way back to the Grove with their findings: the skeleton, the heart, the chest with the orc relics and mysterious puzzle box. When they returned to The Grove it was found that the smaller of the two orbs had gone missing, lost or stolen in the chaos after the ritual. It was postulated that it may have even “gated out”, was drawn through a portal recalled by some other force, or even its own will? The Puzzle Box The adventurers made their way back to the tavern. Some investigated the skeletal remains and heart while others toiled over the mystery of the puzzle box. It was then that the young Arcanum Apprentices noted that the letters on the cylindrical box must be some sort of a key. It was deduced that the Risa Fae in their wisdom had given them clues during the day that would help them open the curious puzzle box. They had answered many unusual riddles that they found were indeed the key. The Riddles of The Risa Fae With thieves I consort, With the vilest, in short, I'm quite at ease in depravity; Yet all divines use me, And savants can't lose me, For I am the center of gravity. “V” = V What starts with "e" Ends with "e" And contains only one letter? Envelope = E What always runs, but never walks, Has a mouth, but never talks, Has a bed, yet never sleeps, Water flows, though never weeps? River = R What does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; That which contented men desire, the poor have, the rich require; The miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves? Nothing = N I fly through the air on small feathered wings, Seeking out life but useless without strings. What am I? An Arrow = A I am in truth a shining fork from table upon high, By inadvertent fingers dropped the awful cutlery, Of mansions never quite disclosed and never quite concealed, The apparatus of the dark to ignorance revealed. Lightning = L The many puzzles they solved during the day had been training for understanding and unlocking the mysterious box, by turning the lettered wheels that encircled the box and forming a word. The word was VERNAL; it was in fact Spring and near the time of the vernal equinox, hence the Rites of Spring. When the wheels were ratcheted into position it opened. Deciphering The Missive Within the cylindrical box they found a scroll. Upon it were magical runes, runes only known to those who had the arcane skill. The young ones set upon the task with diligence. The portent was dire indeed and it seemed to be from a demonic entity from another world addressed to the Orc Necromancer Shagrash. The translation is as follows… Shagrash, The Vile, Keeper of the Keys of Gorthuk, He who makes ready the path of corruption, If you wish to retain my favor and know the secrets of true power of the void you will recover that which you have lost. Not only did you fail in protecting the orbs that had been entrusted to you, but you have also failed to retrieve them in the weeks hence. I am very disappointed that you tried to hide this from me while you feebly attempted to steal them back from the pests that have come to infest this hub world. Remember my “loyal” servant, I see all things through the orbs, even into your mind, you can keep nothing from me. Osterra is to become my bridge back to the prime material plane, you are my emissary. Prepare the path as is your charge. The only reason I have not recalled and obliterated you and your entire worthless tribe from the face of that rock, was your minor success in spreading my influence to a member of the pests ranks. Soon they will be fully under my control, and all will follow in their footsteps or be destroyed. You had better hope that this new servant does not outshine you, Shagrash. Should they succeed where you have failed, it will not go well for you. We have little time to enact my plans to enslave this world. Even now the EverWar is shifting once again, and I would hate to be slowed by your pathetic excuses. Bring me the orb by the end of the next lunar cycle, or your suffering will make you beg for the oblivion of death. HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED 1000 Years and a day. . .that day hastens It’s meaning was debated, some thought the orb had been once again taken by the Orcs to ShagRash. Others believed it had been stolen in the chaos after the ritual. After all, had not some other “servant” been called out in the demonic missive? None were sure. Disheartened, the adventurers disbanded. After Rites Sir Ceannric vowed to find the orb and to form the Portal Guard, an order whose job it would be to seek out and protect the orbs wherever they may be. Kailos Strongshield headed north with Lord Osric’s engineers to Catalpa to begin Construction on the road that would open up trade with Earl Cornelius, but his wanderlust drew him further northward into the lands beyond. Drawn by some inexplicable force he wandered into the wastelands. Sir Gareyth was charged by Lord Osric and Lady Helena to travel east, where word of beings known as Guardians of Light had come through a portal and to seek them out. It was told that they were from a world that had known the ravages of the EverWar, had overcome the forces of evil and had set their domain as a bastion of light and law, little more was known of them, except that they were great heroes and had helped many in the east. Lieutenant Randy, formerly the Quarter Master, had been given a hasty field promotion and been given the title of, Warden of the East. He led an expedition that to blaze the trail for Sir Gareyth’s mission. . . .and then there were the other “Gs”. Garron and Wade (who is not a “G”, but often found in their company had joined up with the Rangers and headed east with Lt. Randy and Sir Gareyth. Grayson and Geth made a strange pair, the cleric and the necromancer, who knows what adventures they shall find. Grisson headed off to the west in search of lore to find the answers of his questions of his past and ease his troubled mind with the challenges of the quest seeking the ruins of an ancient and abandoned temple he had heard of.
Skip Lipman
Mar 27, 2018
In Crafts and Skills
Adding pauldrons to my leather jerkin. I had originally made a set of courbullio, wax impregnated leather shoulders for this armor that I used to wear with a chainmail apron, but that was some 20 years ago and they have been lost. With a little care armor pieces will last many years so putting in some time to upgrade this old piece is a good investment. I first made a paper pattern and traced it on the backside of the leather. In armor as in garb the pattern is everything. Also, good planning of resources, notice how I lay out my pattern to make the best use of my leather. After cutting out the pieces I wet shaped them around a pipe and then let them dry. I used a space heater set on low to help speed the process. Then I test fit them on my arm with the armor on to see how the fit . I marked them to make sure when I riveted them to the strapping I got the spacing right. Setting the rivets. Using scrap leather I made two long straps that would hold the pieces together and allow them to float and move nicely. You don't want them to snug or they will lock the lames in place. The top pieces were then trimmed and secured to the main piece. I added a loop to hols the pauldron to my biceps.
Skip Lipman
Mar 19, 2018
In General Discussion
These are just to help keep the site neat.
Failure to follow any of the following rules will result in a warning, ban, and in most serious cases, an IP ban.
1. No Flaming
Flaming is considered anything that is said or done to insult another member. All members are to be treated fairly. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. If there is a serious issue that needs to be addressed, please talk to a moderator. If you are caught flaming, then you will get an immediate warning, if flaming is directed toward a staff member you may be banned. Attempting to start "drama" will not be tolerated.
2. No Discrimination
This is similar to flaming, but is not aimed at a particular person or social group, but towards an entire race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Discrimination is a serious offense and will lead you a warning, or possible banning. Again, think before you post.
3. No Illegal Discussions/Downloads
No links to illegal downloads or copyrighted materials are permitted. This includes, movies, books, software,etc. Do not attempt to sell these products or post links to where this can be done. This will result in a ban.
4. No Alternate Accounts
IP's are provided to us once you have posted. This will be checked to verify that you do not have multiple accounts. Attempting to do this will result in a ban. If there is a circumstance where you think your ip may show up for different accounts, contact us FIRST, so we are aware of the situation. This offense will result in an immediate ban. There will be NO WARNINGS.
5. No Impersonation
Impersonation means trying to be someone else. This isn't allowed on this forum and you will be banned without prior notice.
6. No Plagiarism
Do not steal other people's works and post them on this forum as your own. If you find something cool, that you'd like to share, please provide a link to that site. If you are using information form another site, you must credit them in the post. Stealing information and calling it your own will not be tolerated.
7. Posting Links
We ask that before posting a link that you check with an admin or moderator. Reason being is so that we can check to make sure you are not sharing links that may contain a key logger or any type of virus, or posting a link that will ask for personal information or information regarding your LARP Adventures account. We want our members to be safe.
Approved links include: YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook. . .
8. Asking to be staff
Please do not request to be added to the forum staff. If we'd like to bring you on board, we will contact YOU. Do not attempt to "self moderate" the forum. Trying to prove what a great mod you'd make by in fact acting like one will have the opposite effect. When the time for staff expansion arrives, members will be contacted via PM.
9. Our Content on your Site
If we find you have copied anything from this forum onto your site without providing the proper credit/link, we will ask you to remove it. If you don't, we will ban your IP address from this forum and we will contact your host about this. Our members put a lot of effort into our original content. Please respect this. Feel free to tell others about things here, but DO NOT copy it and use it as your own.
10. Spam
Please keep Spam to a minimum. Spam consists of posts such as "ok" and "lol". To not be considered spam, your post must be longer than 5 characters. Please do not promote your website or your store. This also includes other sites that are not vendors or sponsors of LARP Adventures. If you'd like to do that, contact an Admin and we will see about allowing you to promote here. Flooding members PM boxes with spam is also not tolerated.
11. Silimlar Threads/Correct Posting
Before creating a new topic/thread, take a look around and see if a similar topic already exists. It only takes a moment, and you can use the search function, too. Please make all posts in the correct forum. This is common sense. If we find that you are constantly posting reply's in the wrong forum, you will receive a warning. Please keep things on topic when posting. Do NOT hijack someone's thread for your idea.
12. All Private Conversations are to be Kept Private
Anyone posting conversations that were done via PM or IM will be warned. These conversations are private for a reason. This can also be considered "baiting" by posting a conversation with the goal of starting something.
13. Topics to Avoid
Real life Politics, Religion and Drugs are off limits. These topics will be deleted immediately, and the author warned. Please abide by this. People tend to have strong feelings about these topics, and they often lead to flame wars. Do not post about any kind of illegal activities.
14. Content/Pictures
Nude pictures, pornography, or links to like material are NOT ALLOWED. There are plenty of places to go to find this stuff on the internet, this is not one of them. Please keep all pictures posted within these limits. Any graphic content or offensive material is NOT ALLOWED. Please use good judgment on this. If you post something that the staff feels is violating this rule, the post will be removed and you will be issued a warning.
15. Calling out/mistreatment of Staff Members
Will do nothing but get you in trouble. If you have an issue with a staff member, take it to PM, but keep it respectful. You may not always agree with a decision, and that is fine. The staff has a job to do, please let them do it. Remember, we are here to help you. The staff deserves your respect, and I expect them to be treated with it. Disrespecting a mod or admin will get you suspended, even banned. There is to be NO discussion on any action a mod or admin takes. Ever. Members are not allowed to post messages from banned or suspended members.
16. Language
This is not too much of a problem, talk how you want, but please do not overdo the swearing. If this gets out of hand, censors will be added to block out swear words.
As a member of this community, it is understood that you have read and agreed to these rules. Please remember that these are put in place to help keep LARP Adventures fun for you, the members. Yes, we're a bit laid back. But we do ask that everyone act cool, and that you take one second to think about something before you post it.
Have fun,
Skip Lipman
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