Kruger took a drink from his tankard as he sat at his shop. Business was going okay but not as good as he would like. That was to be expected though as a lot of people gave their money to Sir Tanos so he could get a cursed sword that he and he alone could wield. The Conscript of the Third Mixed Regiment frowned, memories of the Second Mixed Regiment back in his homeland coming to mind. Dark spirits could corrupt and from what he heard, these demons were as dark as they could get.
Suddenly, a cloaked figure approached, looking like they had been traveling. Kruger threw on a friendly smile.
"Hello friend. Can I interest you in anything?"
"Kruger Van Drachenstein?"
The adventurer asked and Kruger swung out an arm.
"The one and only. Did you need something?"
The adventure produced a scroll, burned and damaged, placing it on the table. One of his scrolls asking to meet with the factions.
"I couldn't find the messenger."
The adventure spoke and Kruger nodded.
"I see. Thank you friend. Here, take some water."
Kruger said, pouring the liquid into one of the cups he had on hand. The adventurer took it and drank before wandering off, no doubt looking for rest after their journey. Kruger looked down at the scroll and a frown came to his face. Things on the roads were becoming rough again. Memories of Alduin telling him about his run in with the highwaymen before coming back to life, robbed of his possessions, came to mind. Not only that, but the orcs had been rather up front about their bloodthirstiness and from what he heard, the Destroyer was very good at doing what its name implied.
Kruger glanced at the destroyed scroll and made a mental note to keep an ear out for more details on what may trouble people on the roads.