Bauble awakens with a squawk to find his beloved grimoire missing.
He had found the tome weeks earlier in the Temple of Tharros, easily bypassing the wards placed there, not even taking notice of them. Nobody was around so the magpie-brained creature helped himself.
Kenku have no concept of ownership besides their own, and are drawn to objects of arcane energy, even though they have little use for them.
Since claiming the grimoire, life had taken a downturn for the poor creature. The Tharrosians were furious about the “theft” of the book and he found himself embroiled in a political situation he did not comprehend.
He sought help from a group of travellers who quickly came to blows over the book. In the end, a warrior named Magness agreed to protect Bauble and the grimoire and they had travelled together for the last few weeks.
But, now he was gone, as was the Kenku's prized posession. All Bauble had left was a sealed note. Looking inside, the parchment was covered in scratches he could not understand.
Kenku are sentient humanoid crow people, possessing some intelligence, but reading and writing are beyond them.
Bauble sighed in his strange way and decided he must once again seek help from the featherless ones. Magness had told him of a great Winter Feast where many if them would be gathering.
Perhaps he would find some assistance here and a hot meal…
Bauble burst into the feast hall and immediately recognized “Egg-Man”, one of the warriors who had helped him during his last encounter with the featherless ones. His memory was not very good, but Egg-Man stood out as his head resembled an egg.
The Kenku begged for assistance in translating the note. A group had gathered around to see what the squawking was all about, and a woman named Imra seemed to take pity on the creature and agreed to help.
While thanking his new companions and asking gifts of their coin and jewelry, Bauble noticed another Kenku in the crowd, asking for help from another group.
“Trinket! What are you doing here? Come to steal from Bauble have you?”
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